$80,000 | August 2023
Seed mob at Parliament House
What do Seed do?
Seed are the country’s first and only youth-led First Nations organisation, living the principle of self-determination by providing the space for mob to make decisions and lead work to protect Country.
Why is this work important?
In Australia, First Nations people are at the forefront of climate change and young people have the most at stake – “It’s our communities on the frontline who need to be at the forefront of change; leading the solutions and building a society that is healthier, cleaner, more just and puts people before profits. That’s why at Seed, we are bringing together and building the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to organise in their communities and take action together on campaigns that will have the biggest impact on stopping the climate crisis and building strong, sustainable communities for our people. We focus on energy because we believe that by transitioning Australia’s energy system away from fossil fuels to renewables we can have the greatest impact on climate change.”
How is Groundswell supporting this work?
With Groundswell’s support, over the next 12 months Seed will be entering into a huge stage of growth. Noting that they are currently in the midst of bringing on a new CEO and conducting deep impact planning with our team, here is what they have planned:
Training: Complete regional training camps (RTC) and redevelop our training program for 2024 and beyond
Campaigns: Launch WA campaign while continuing to stop fracking in the NT and elevate the voices in the NT working to stop fracking in the Beetaloo Basin within a coalition of other eNGOs
Communications: Launch our new and improved website as an accessible hub for storytelling, training resources and opportunities to take online action. Position Seed as a thought leader in the media and public conversation. Run an education campaign on The Referendum
Team: Build our team and capacity sustainably, to ensure we have the resources needed to create huge impact for climate justice.