It’s Up To Us

A powerful read for those ready to take their climate funding to the next level and invest in game-changing solutions


What is it?

It’s Up To Us reveals new trends in climate giving and a guide on how to invest meaningfully. It’s been written for those ready to scale-up their investments in climate and make a meaningful difference at this most critical time in history. 

Why now?

Our window for taking action on climate is closing rapidly. In the next few years the climate movement must build immense power and undertake courageous action to confront and defeat the influential and polluting fossil fuel industry and its deeply embedded political machinery.

This moment requires new funders to step in, learn quickly from movement expertise and mobilise their resources at scale to power this vital work. Without a dramatic increase in climate philanthropy over the next few years, the movement simply will not succeed in shifting the social, corporate and political will necessary to stabilise global heating.


What next?

Groundswell is a powerful resource for philanthropists to learn about the most impactful work happening across the climate movement and to develop skills in evaluating strategic climate advocacy. 

We offer Lifetime Memberships for those wanting to invest upfront in accelerating climate action at this most critical time; run a Major Giving Circle to co-fund game changing climate action under the guidance of an Advisory Board of our nation’s foremost climate strategists; and host annual climate immersion trips to meet with philanthropic peers and learn from climate experts.


Keen to learn more about investing in climate action?

For those who recognise the benefit of investing upfront in addressing the climate emergency and accelerating action at this most critical time, Groundswell offers tailored advice and giving opportunities.