Comms Declare
$40,000 | August 2023
Comms Declare CEO Belinda Noble with a billboard in Sydney promoting the organisation’s “Fossil Fuel Ad Ban” campaign. Photo by: WOLTER PEETERS
What do Comms Declare do?
Comms Declare is the only group in Australia solely dedicated to ending the social licence of fossil fuels and high emissions products. Our members include dozens of communications agencies and hundreds of members whose expertise the group can draw on. Our committee members are leaders in sustainability communications.
Comms Declare use trusted voices, powerful creative messages, and repetition, to make the promotion of fossil fuels as morally and socially offensive as tobacco advertising. Their 'Fossil Ad Ban' campaign is the most successful of its type in the world. Since launching in 2022, 12 Australian councils, including the City of Sydney, have voted to ban fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships.
Why is this work important?
A significant part of the fossil fuel industry’s soft power is advertising and sponsorships, where companies position themselves as part of Australia’s identity and essential to the economy. This gives the industry undeserved social licence and further entrenches its damaging practices.
In the past year, momentum has been growing against fossil fuel promotions, especially in sports and the arts. However, putting pressure on individual organisations is an inefficient and temporary solution – new policy is the only way to ensure these changes are widely applied and permanent.
The election of green-leaning independents, Greens and the ALP across the mainland, Australia joining the ‘carbon club’ and wanting to host COP, means the next 12 months is the best opportunity in a decade to enact laws.
So, as emissions targets are set and other climate initiatives are rolled out, this is our chance to achieve fossil fuel advertising bans to both help reduce excessive consumption and reduce the impact of the inevitable counter actions from fossil fuel industries.
How is Groundswell supporting this work?
With Groundswell’s support, In mid-2023 Comm’s Declare will launch our national campaign aimed at federal politicians with these three aims:
National bans on fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships
CO2 information and/or carbon warning labels on high emissions products
Stronger codes and regulations against greenwashing and green claims in advertising.
This will be done with lobbying, a PR moment at federal parliament house, as well as meetings around the Senate inquiry into Greenwashing.
In early 2024 we hope to pressure state and territory governments to enact fossil fuel advertising restrictions through highlighting the influence of fossil fuel companies in primary and secondary schools.
In addition, we will continue to work with councils and local government bodies to increase fossil fuel advertising bans and de-platform coal, oil and gas.
Grant Update
With the help of the Groundswell grant, Comms Declare has undertaken the following:
Commissioned a legal white paper on the federal laws around fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships.
Held a climate advertising roundtable at Parliament House in September 2023 to inform MPs and staff about the ways fossil fuel promotions can be restricted. This was attended by six independent MPs, one independent Senator and Greens.
Followed up with two independent MPs who wrote to the Climate Change Minister to ask for mandatory climate labelling laws.
Obtained legal advice for two independent MPs on how to enact stricter labelling and advertising laws to be put to parliament.
Met with six current ALP MPs including the Assistant Climate Change Minister's office to discuss advertising restrictions.
Held a 'zombie press conference' on the lawns of federal parliament in September 2023. This involved a team of 'dead Wallabies' rugby players wearing Santos jerseys to highlight that Santos' sponsorship of the national rugby team is putting our lives at risk. The event had an extensive reach on traditional and tier one media including 'Who's Paying Attention', 'The Cheap Seats', The Guardian, News Corp papers, Sky News and Channel 7 news, generating over $1.6 million in free media.
Ran a social media advertising campaign around the Dead Wallabies which had 1.6 million impressions and a reach of 840,000 people.
Made a submission to the federal Greenwashing Senate inquiry and gave evidence in person in March 2024 on the need for fossil fuel advertising restrictions.
Had the first ever motion to restrict fossil fuel advertising put to the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Conference.
Made a submission to the review of the Environmental Claims Code by the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) and galvanised industry support around fossil fuel restrictions.
Made greenwashing complaints to ASIC, the ACCC and Advertising Standards about the sponsorship of MasterChef by the 'Renewable Gas' brand resulting in widespread media coverage.
Conducted polling on attitudes to climate and energy labels across Australian voters, finding widespread support.
Liaison with councils about voting for a fossil ad ban on their property and events.
Had an opinion article published in Nine Newspapers calling for a climate change campaign by the Federal Government.
Campaigned against the Walkley Journalism awards being sponsored by Ampol.