Climate Leader Fellowships

Where Australia's climate leaders across business, philanthropy and culture converge to spark change


How it works

Groundswell’s multi-day climate retreats are programmed to inspire deep discussions about the climate crisis and strategic, solutions-focused thinking. This transformative experience creates space for the emergence of new ideas and initiatives with participants ignited by a sense of urgency and purpose to step into climate leadership.

What to expect

  • Connect: engage with influential leaders from business, philanthropy, government and the arts.

  • Learn: deepen your understanding of climate science and the urgency of action.

  • Strategise: explore solutions and develop actionable plans to address climate challenges.

  • Lead: mobilise your resources and talents to create a tangible impact.


Immediate impact

Our most recent immersions brought together top executives from ASX100 listed companies as well as influential figures from government, finance, the arts and more. The result? A wave of new partnerships and projects that Groundswell Giving is proud to support.

Outcomes include:

  • Policy: COP31, forestry and methane working groups formed

    Philanthropy: Millions in new investments raised for climate solutions

  • Culture: Hit TV show "Bump" weaving a powerful climate narrative into its storyline

Over 200 people have participated in our fellowships so far. Check out what Jody Brown, a farmer from central western Queensland who came on a Heron Island trip, says about the impact the fellowship has had on her life.


Groundswell Giving operates both as a sub-fund of Australian Communities Foundation ABN 57967620066, as well a separate DGR1 registered charity Groundswell Giving Ltd ABN 86 660 758 985.